Strap-On Dildos: A Beginner's Guide

purple strapon dildo on a mannequin


Strap-on dildos are the ultimate in unique, unisex, universally loved sex toys. While strap-ons are obviously designed to mimic the action and experience of the real thing, it doesn’t matter whether you have no penis or want a substitute for your penis or have a partner who enjoys an extra penis or any other combination of penis/no penis setups you can think of, a strap on dildo will do the job! Strap-ons can be used by straight couples, gay couples, groups and individuals, for anal sex, oral sex, vaginal sex and masturbation, making them among the most versatile sex toys on the planet.

If you are new to the world of strap-ons, you may be wondering where to get started. To help you discover the potential of these unparalleled pleasure appliances, here is our beginner’s guide to strap-on dildos.

What are Strap-On Dildos?

As you can probably guess from their name, strap-on dildos are dildos which are strapped onto your body, usually at the front of your crotch like a real penis. Strap-ons are usually comprised of two main parts: a dildo with a flared base and a harness with a ring to insert that base and hold the dildo in position. This setup enables wearers to perform the same motions as if they were thrusting away with a real flesh-and-blood penis. 

What are the Different Harness Styles?

There are three main harness styles to consider when choosing a strap-on dildo:

1. Jockstrap Style Harness

Jockstrap style harnesses are worn just like a classic sports jockstrap with a waist strap and straps that go around your butt cheeks.

2. Thong Style Harness

As its name suggests, this style of harness is worn like a thong with a waist strap and then another strap that goes underneath you and comes up between your cheeks.

3. Underwear-Style Harness

Underwear style harnesses are designed like a pair of boxers or big underwear. This makes them a little more comfortable for long-term strap-on wearing. 

How to Choose the Right Harness

It is always best to choose an adjustable harness so that you can ensure a snug and secure fit. This will give you full control of the motion of the dildo to make the experience as realistic and pleasurable as possible. Look for a harness that is made from a comfortable, high-quality material like nylon or leather and it will look good, feel great and will last you years of rumpy-pumpy.

If you already have a dildo, make sure that your chosen harness will accommodate them as some can be used with multiple-size dildos and others with only certain dildos. You can also find harnesses with integrated vibrators which can make the strap-on experience pleasurable for both the wearer and the recipient.

How to Choose the Perfect Dildo

Like all sex toys, dildos for strap-ons come in every imaginable size, shape, colour and design. As noted above, the first thing you need to do when buying a new dildo is to make sure that it fits in your chosen harness. After that, you really can let your imagination run wild and experiment with different dildo options. 

If you are going to be the primary wearer, one easy way to guarantee the perfect dildo is to let your partner choose. After all, they are the one who will be receiving it.

After that, choosing a strap-on dildo is the same as choosing any sex toy with three main factors to consider:

1. Material  

Strap-on dildos come in a range of different materials but silicone is always a good choice because it is affordable, safe, feels great and is easy to clean and maintain.

2. Size 

As with all sex toys (and real penises for that matter), we all have our own preferences when it comes to size. If you or your partner are a verified Size Queen or King, then there are many huge strap-on dildos which will stretch you to your absolute limits. If you like something a little more modest, then there are also strap-ons in more manageable lengths and girths.

3. Design

You can also find strap-on dildos in a variety of different designs from ribbed and beaded strap-ons to realistic models with veins and balls. If you want a strap-on that is as realistic as possible either for roleplay or gender identity purposes, you can also choose a super-soft dildo that you can keep on 24/7. This is known as “packing” with these strap-on dildos designed to look and feel just like a flaccid penis. 

How do You Use a Strap-on Dildo?

It may sound a bit obvious to say but this really doesn’t need much explaining. Once you are strapped in, you can basically do everything that a real penis can do (and in many cases, to better effect!) 

One important tip is to try and be vocal with your partner at all times, whether you are the strap-on wearer or the recipient. Particularly when you first out wearing a strap-on dildo, it can be difficult to gauge whether you are doing a good job (especially if you weren’t born with the real thing.) 

Ask your partner what feels good, and if you are the recipient, tell the wearer when they are hitting the right spots and when they need to go deeper or faster. This will ensure the maximum pleasure from your strap-on dildo and make it an enjoyable experience for all involved!

As Australia's largest specialty dildo store, Just Dildos has a wide range of strap-on dildos for purchase so check us out today.