How to Stimulate Your Prostate With a Dildo

vibrating dildo with curve to help stimulate prostate

Everyone has heard of the legendary G-spot, but what if we told you that there's an equally gratifying but less famous spot that's just waiting to be explored? Enter the P-spot: the elusive male pleasure point that's been hiding in the shadows of your nether regions. Today, we're breaking down the mystery of the prostate and dishing out the dirty details on how to use a dildo for some seriously intense pleasure. So buckle up and let's dive into the world of prostate stimulation!

A Naughty Biology Lesson: What is the Prostate?

The prostate, often referred to as the "male G-spot" or simply the “P-spot” is a small gland that is located just a few inches inside your rectum, tucked up tight against your bladder. Its primary function is to produce the fluid that nourishes and protects sperm but when stimulated correctly, this little powerhouse can deliver some mind-blowing orgasms.

Choose Your Weapon: The Best Dildos for Prostate Play

The perfect dildo should have the right blend of shape, size and material so before you go spelunking (a fancy word for cave exploring!), let's look at each of these in turn:

P-spot Dildo Material

In terms of material, you'll want something body-safe, easy to clean and comfortable for insertion. A silicone dildo is usually the safest option because silicone is hypoallergenic, non-porous and can be easily sterilised. Just remember to use a water-based lubricant with silicone toys, as silicone-based lubes can damage the material.

P-Spot Dildo Shape

Now, let's talk shapes. A curved design or an angled tip is perfect for zeroing in on the prostate and many prostate dildos also have a bulbous or tapered head, which can help apply gentle pressure on the P-spot. You may also want to look for a dildo with a flared base to prevent any unwanted losses (if you know what we mean.)

P-Spot Dildo Size

Size is also a crucial factor to consider when choosing a prostate dildo and bigger isn't always better when it comes to prostate play. For beginners, especially, the best advice is usually to start with a smaller dildo and work your way up to bigger toys so try a diameter of about 1 to 1.5 inches first. 

The Motion in the Prostate Ocean: Easy-to-Follow Steps for Prostate Stimulation

Once you have chosen the right dildo, it’s time to start your prostate adventures!

To help you navigate the uncharted territories, here's a step-by-step guide to prostate stimulation:

1. Lube up 

When you are engaging in a little anal play, you really cannot have enough lube. So before you even start, generously lube up your chosen dildo and your pleasure tunnel to help smooth along proceedings. 

2. Assume the position 

Find a position that feels comfortable for insertion. This may be lying on your side with your knees bent or on your back with your legs raised. Experiment with different positions until you find your prostate pleasure sweet spot and adjust as necessary.

3. Take it slow 

First, gently insert the dildo, angling it towards your belly button. Go slow, and let your body adjust to the sensation. Your butt may provide a little resistance but patience and gentle coaxing will eventually win it over.

4. Locate the P-spot 

Once you're comfortable, use the curved or angled tip of the dildo to apply gentle pressure to the prostate. You'll know you've hit gold when you feel a sensation similar to needing to pee – but way more pleasurable.

5. Ride the wave 

Use the dildo to massage your prostate with slow, deliberate strokes. Experiment with different rhythms, pressures, and motions to discover what sends you over the edge. Try a 'come hither' motion or small circular movements to really hit the jackpot.

6. Embrace the journey 

Remember, prostate stimulation isn't a race to the finish line. Enjoy the ride and explore the sensations. If you feel the urge to cum, just go with it! Prostate orgasms can be a whole new level of pleasure but sometimes letting go can be the hardest part.

7. Clean up 

Once you've finished your prostate play session, be sure to clean your dildo thoroughly with warm water and mild soap or a designated toy cleaner. This will prevent any hygiene issues and ensure your dildo is clean and safe for next time. If you are sharing your prostate dildo with your partner, you should consider using condoms for an extra layer of safety. 

Final Thoughts

The art of prostate stimulation is a thrilling and gratifying journey that can open the door to new levels of pleasure. With the right dildo, some patience (and a little sense of humour!), you'll be well on your way to experiencing the intense delights the P-spot has to offer. So go forth, be bold and unleash the power of the mighty P-spot.